Fendi is a popular and well-recognized Italian fashion brand, which is well known in Europe, US and Asia from its signature logo, and its symbolic handbags called “The Baguette” handbags. Today, the majority of Fendi’s sales are still generated by their signature handbags which in fact have an alone standing website, where you can buy them online. Fendi goods are designed by Karl Lagerfeld, who had an instrumental role in making the brand popular all over the world and keeping it so. Fendi clothes and clothing lines all represent an elegant lifestyle with some funky twists which make all their creations unique. Fendi today has different lines representing elite leather goods, clothing line for women, their fragrances are very much looked for, besides they also offer kids collections and home ware accessories.
Fendi’s leather handbags and watch stripes are all handmade which make every single piece unique and exclusive on its own right. Fendi has recently launched its watches line, which is growing in popularity. Singapore is a city which is most famous for its shopping possibilities and great shopping malls and where shopping has been voted as the most popular hobby for locals. The Orchard Road located in the downtown of Singapore is one of the most elegant shopping roads in whole Asia. The shopping malls of Singapore include the huge Suntec Mall, the luxurious ION Orchard, Paragon and the Heeren and the Japanese Takashiyama, also known as Ngee An City. Very close to Orchard Road, you can find the newest shopping mall selling high-end fashion items, clothes and accessories, the DSF Galleria, an Asian line of luxury shopping Malls. Among the upper mentioned shopping malls, you can find Fendi brand boutique at the Takashiyama Shopping Mall. Walking along Orchard Road is a great experience, especially in the evening, as the road is decorated with fantastic lights. Here, you can get to see and buy all sorts of elegant and trendy clothes from all around the world, see the clothing lines and accessories of the most famous fashion brands at one place.
Another great area to discover a brand new shopping mall is the picturesque Marina Bay. Here you will find the huge complex of Marina Bay Sands, which is a holiday and entertainment complex in one, containing museum, casino, loads of bars and restaurants and a quality shopping area too, offering the clothes, jewellery and accessories of the most famous fashion brands. Apart from Marina Bay Sands, it is the shopping zone of Sentosa World Resorts, situated at close lying Sentosa Island, being a fantastic holiday resort, which is a must-visit place for both shoppers and those who want to see one of the most beautiful holiday and entertainment complexes in the world. In Marina Bay Sands, you can find a great Fendi boutique, where you can browse among the signature clothing lines and all the different types of the iconic Baguette handbags.
Fendi is a popular fashion brand in Singapore, both in terms of clothing and accessories and as you can see, walking around town in search of the Fendi boutiques means a great sightseeing during which you can get to see some of the most beautiful parts of downtown Singapore.