Ohangwena is one of the regions in Namibia which has the highest population reaching up to 228, 384. Its population density is 21.0 persons per square kilometers, which is the highest among the 13 regions of Namibia. Although the employment rate in this region is not that high, people in the Ohangwena region is doing their best to provide for their living. Farming is the main source of income in this region, while other people operate their own businesses. Continuous developments are made in this country to attract more visitors. There are actually a lot of Namibia travel groups that recommend people to go to this region.
The Ohangwena is subdivided into 11 constituents namely Eenhna, Endola, Engela, Epembe, Ohangwena, Okongo, Omundaungilo, Omulonga, Ondobe, Ongenga, and Oshikango. Eenhena is the capital city of Ohangwena. It is located in the Northern part of Namibia. Eenhena has a great location of a tropical forest. This town is near roads that have great infrastructure so it is connected with the trade fairs held annually by its border cities such as Angola.
The Oshikango Railway Station is one of the infrastructures that you can try when you are up for a Namibia travel experience. The Oshikango Railway Station is serving the town Oshikango. It is a part of the TransNamib Railway Station. The TransNamib Railway Station is the main railway station of Namibia. It is administered in the capital city of Namibia, Windhoek.
Ohangwena region wants to improve the educational status of their children. With the help of the teachers, parents, principals, and different departments concerned, they are trying to reach their goals of providing quality service to clients, ensuring access to national examinations, continuously monitoring exams, providing information for the education system, and more. Ohangwena is one of the regions in Namibia that has a low percentage on education. Only 53% of their girls and 47% of their boys go to school. 23% of their population has never attended the school at all. This is why the Ohangwena region has decided to improve their educational status.
For people who are planning on a Namibia travel for the purpose of business, the Ohangwena is the right place for you. Eenhena, the capital city of Ohangwena is hosting a Business Expo. This business expo will be held in Eenhena Multi Purpose Centre. The aim of the business expo is to attract business men, companies, investors, visitors, and other neighboring countries of Namibia. So if you are visiting Namibia, this is one event that you cannot miss. This is an important event for Namibia to attract tourists to invest in their local products as well as show an exhibition of the great arts in Namibia. This special event will be held in the region of Ohangwena. Aside from this business opportunity, you will also get to enjoy the wonderful spots that this place has to offer you.
When you are worried about your accommodations, do not. Because there are a lot of hotels and lodges, or camps that you can stay in while you are in this region.